The present regulations may be corrected, modified or improved at any time by the Organisation, as well as any other data, rule or section for the optimum running of the race. The fact of registering shows the participant’s conformity with these regulations.
These regulations will be strictly complied with by all participants in the event called SHERRY MARATON. Any incident not covered herein will be resolved by the Jury of the SHERRY MARATON, the Sports Director of the event, a Member of the Organization and a Representative of the Runners.
Table of contents of the regulation
The SHERRY MARATON is organised by TerraIncognita Global SL
Art.2 RACE
The SHERRY MARATON is a sporting running competition that will run between the city of Jerez de la Frontera and the sea of vineyards that surround the city and form part of the Marco de Jerez with a distance of 42 kms.
The SHERRY MARATHON will take place on Sunday 4th May 2025 in the city of Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz.
The START of the race is at 8:00h in the Alameda Vieja.
The finish line is located in the centre of Jerez in the Alameda Vieja and will be open until 14:30h.
The SHERRY MEDIA is a less physically demanding version of the SHERRY MARATHON that will run between the city of Jerez de la Frontera and the sea of vineyards that surround the city and form part of the Marco de Jerez with a distance of 22 kms.
The SHERRY MEDIA will take place on Sunday 4th May 2025 in the city of Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz.
The START of the race is at 9:00 in the Alameda Vieja.
The finish line is located in the centre of Jerez in the Alameda Vieja and will be open until 14:30 for the SHERRY MEDIA runners.
The SHERRY PROMO will take place on Sunday 4th May 2025 in the city of Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz.
The START of the race is at 10:30 at the Macharnudo Castle.
The finish line is located in the centre of Jerez in the Alameda Vieja and will be open until 14:30 for SHERRY PROMO runners.
The SHERRY MARATON is held with absolute respect for the environment.
Participants must respect the environment in which the event takes place and keep the surroundings clean. To this end, they must eat and drink WITHOUT LEAVING ANY CONTAINERS OUTSIDE THE CONTAINERS provided for this purpose.
FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS POINT WILL RESULT IN THE IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION OF THE RUNNER, who may be disqualified by a simple statement from any member of the organising team of the Race.
Participants will be disqualified from the competition if they show violent attitudes or throw rubbish in nature. It is compulsory to respect crops, livestock and private property in general.
Participants will be responsible for any damage caused as a result of this type of behaviour.
It is strictly forbidden to receive external help or refreshments during the race outside the points provided by the Organization: these will coincide with the official refreshment points of the race.
Participation in the Sherry Maraton implies being of legal age on the day of the event.
In the Sherry Media and Promo, all persons aged 16 or over on the day of the race may participate.
Participation will be open to all those who correctly formalise both the REGISTRATION and the payment stipulated for the races.
Registration for the Sherry Maraton implies the acceptance of the rules and the adequate preparation of the participant for the race, being aware of the geographical and meteorological conditions that can be found in the environment where the event takes place. In this sense, the participant exempts the Organisation from any possible health problems that may arise from his/her participation in the Sherry Marathon.
The runners registered for the race understand that they participate voluntarily and under their own responsibility in the event, and therefore, exonerate the Organisation of the race from all responsibility, and agree not to denounce the organising entity, collaborators, sponsors and other participants; nor to initiate any civil liability claim against the aforementioned parties.
The Sherry Maraton encourages the participation of walkers and Nordic walkers with very long cut-off times to be able to complete the race without any problems.
The hiking modality will be available in the MEDIA and PROMO distances.
The Nordic walking modality will be available in the PROMO distance.
Once the registration has been formalised, the refund will be 50% of the amount paid up to 30 days before the event. After this date, no refund will be processed without cancellation insurance.
With cancellation insurance, we will only accept applications sent up to 15 days before the date of the event.
All refunds will be made no later than 30 days after the date of acceptance of the request.
Once the cancellation request has been made, the place becomes available to the Organisation, who will give it to the candidate who is first on the waiting list at that time.
The race bibs and runner’s bag can only be collected at the Alcázar of Jerez de la Frontera (next to the Alameda Vieja) on Friday from 11:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00 hours and Saturday from 17:00 to 20:00 hours. For those runners who cannot collect their bibs on Saturday, a tent will be set up for the Marathon and Half Marathon in the area of the Alcázar of Jerez de la Frontera (next to the Alameda Vieja) to collect the bibs on Sunday from 7:00 to 7:30 for the MARATON and from 7:30 to 8:30 for the MEDIA and from 8:30 to 9:30 for the PROMO.
The participant will be obliged to wear the bib throughout the race, always on the front of the body, completely visible and on top of the clothing.
Each bib is personal and non-transferable. The bib number must be collected by the bib holder or by a third party as long as he/she presents express authorisation from the bib holder and a photocopy of his/her ID card and/or passport.
Each participant will be assigned a bib number which will be determined randomly in all cases, except for the first numbers which will be determined by the Organisation.
The organisers recommend that SHERRY MARATHON runners carry the following equipment in order to be able to complete the race:
- Mobile phone with a charged battery.
- Glass for liquid refreshment: Glasses will not be provided at the refreshment posts for the replenishment of liquids.
- Containers and/or watertight bags for liquids: With a minimum total capacity of 1L.
- Sunglasses.
- Sun cream: Total protection.
- Electrolytes and/or mineral salts.
- Food reserve: bars, gels, fruit…
- Suitable rucksack: according to the volume of the material and the pace of the race.
he race route will be marked with marking tape and specific signage created for the race. The route will be published on the official race website. Any changes or modifications to it will be made public by the same means.
Each participant must follow the entire marked route, without skipping the signs and passing through all the control points.
It is strictly forbidden to receive external help or refreshments during the race outside the points set up by the Organisation: these will coincide with the official refreshment points of the race. Likewise, it is forbidden to be accompanied by other people who are not registered participants in the race.
At each refreshment point there will be a specific closing time, and it is essential to pass before the established closing time in order to continue in the race.
Each refreshment point will have food and drinks that will vary depending on the kilometre where it is located. Food and drink must be consumed at the refreshment point itself in sufficient quantities to guarantee sufficient energy reserves to be able to reach the next one, except for water, which can also be carried in the tanks and containers carried by the runner.
In order to use the refreshment point, it is essential to wear the bib number.
The Organisation will have a wardrobe service in the Alameda Vieja for the MARATON and MEDIA and in the starting area for the Promo where runners can leave their belongings, not being responsible for the objects delivered there.
The Organisation staff of the wardrobe Service may ask runners to open their bags before leaving them, in order to supervise the contents of the same. In the event of a runner’s refusal to open a bag, the Organisation may refuse to collect said bag.
The only vehicles that can follow the race will be those accredited by the Organisation. It is strictly forbidden to follow the runners in any type of motor or wheeled vehicle (skates, bicycles, etc.), and the Local Police have express orders to remove them from the circuit. A broom vehicle will be available at the end of the race to pick up runners who for some reason do not wish to or cannot follow the race. Those runners who are not in a condition to keep to the scheduled closing time of the activity control must get on it or abandon the race, following instructions from any member of the organisation.
Throughout the race there will be several medical and security teams that will be coordinated with 112 by the central management of the SHERRY MARATHON.
These teams will be distributed among the different refreshment stations and the runner may request their help or assistance if necessary.
At some points random or general medical checks may be carried out. Refusing to do a check or disrespecting the doctor or assistant who requests it will result in the immediate invalidation of the bib.
All runners will be subject to the judgement of the doctor whenever he requests it, with the assessment of the medical team being the one that prevails over any other, so the doctors may:
- Remove from the race (by cancelling the bib) any runner they consider unfit to continue.
- Order the evacuation of any runner they consider in danger.
- Order the hospitalisation of any runner when this is considered necessary.
The runners must withdraw from the race at the Control Points. If due to an accident or injury the runner is immobilized and cannot reach a control point, he/she will activate the rescue operation by contacting the organization by phone using the Emergency Mobile Phone.
Once at the refreshment station, the runner will communicate his/her desire to abandon the race to the person in charge of the refreshment station so that he/she can cancel his/her bib and identify him/her as withdrawn.
It must be taken into account that only at the refreshment stations, indicated as points with WITHDRAWAL CONTROL, will there be means of transport to evacuate the runners who withdraw.
If the withdrawn runner chooses to return with his/her own means, he/she must also inform the person in charge of the refreshment station of his/her withdrawal so that he/she can cancel his/her bib and identify him/her as withdrawn, since otherwise the Organization will consider him/her lost and activate the rescue alarm.
In the event of bad weather conditions or force majeure, the Organisation reserves the right to suspend, neutralise or modify the time slots and/or the route of the race.
The race management, as well as any member of the Organisation, will monitor the application of the Regulations and are authorised to immediately apply the following penalties or disqualifications:
Leaving the marked route even if it does not represent an important shortcut, but which is carried out outside the marked itinerary. Penalty 5 min.
Leaving the marked route representing an important shortcut. Penalty 30 min, 1st warning. Disqualification 2nd warning.
Accompaniment by a person not registered in the race. Penalty 30 min, 1st warning. Disqualification 2nd warning.
Individual assistance outside the radius of a refreshment station. Penalty 15 min, 1st warning. Disqualification 2nd warning.
Throwing rubbish along the route. Disqualification.
Failure to assist a person in difficulty (injured, extremely exhausted, hypothermia…). Disqualification and prohibition from participating in future editions.
Failure to pass a Control Point. Disqualification.
Refusal to undergo a medical check or equipment check. Disqualification.
Removing or changing the markings placed by the organization. Disqualification and prohibition from participating in future editions.
Using a means of transport. Passing the number to another runner. Disqualification and prohibition from participating in future editions.
Abandoning the race without notifying the organization. Disqualification and prohibition from participating in future editions.
Not completing the entire route on foot through the place marked by the organization. Disqualification.
Not wearing the number on the front of the clothing and in a visible place. Warning + Disqualification.
Spending more time than established by the organization to complete the entire route, as well as exceeding the maximum partial times established by section. Disqualification.
The categories established for the SHERRY MARATON, SHERRY MEDIA and SHERRY PROMO will be the following:
- ABSOLUTE MALE (18 years and older. Having turned 18 years old before the event)
- ABSOLUTE FEMALE (18 years and older. Having turned 18 years old before the event)
- PROMISING MALE (18 years to 23 years old, who have not turned 24 years old in the year of reference)
- PROMISING FEMALE (18 years to 23 years old, who have not turned 24 years old in the year of reference)
- SENIOR MALE (24 years to 39 years old. Having turned 39 years old in the year of the competition)
- SENIOR FEMALE (24 years to 39 years old. Having turned 39 years old in the year of the competition)
- VETERANS MALE (40 to 50 years old. Having turned 39 years old in the year of the competition)
- VETERANS FEMALE (40 to 50 years old. Completed the year of the competition)
- MASTER 50 MEN (51 to 60 years old. Completed the year of the competition)
- MASTER 50 WOMEN (51 to 60 years old. Completed the year of the competition)
- MASTER 60 MEN (61 years old and older.)
MASTER 60 WOMEN (61 years old and older.
A trophy will be awarded to the first three classified in the Absolute category and to the first three in each established subcategory, both male and female, as long as there are at least 3 participants in that category.
The Hiking category is promotional, so there are no age subcategories with prizes.
The Nordic Walking category is promotional, so there are no age subcategories with prizes.
A trophy will be awarded to the first classified club/team, for this purpose the times of the 3 best runners of each club will be added together, in the event of a tie between several clubs the times of the first 4 will be added together and so on until the tie is broken.
Failure to attend the trophy presentation ceremony will be understood as a waiver of the trophies or prizes obtained. Any delegation to another person to collect the trophies and prizes must be known and authorized by the Organization at least 3 hours before the presentation.
Acceptance of these Regulations necessarily implies that the participant authorizes TerraIncognita Global SL to take photographs and film his/her participation in any of the SHERRY MARATON modalities, and gives his/her consent for the dissemination, commercial and advertising exploitation of all images taken during the SHERRY MARATON, in which he/she is clearly identifiable, without the right on the part of the runner to receive any financial compensation. TerraIncognita Global SL reserves the exclusive right to the image of the SHERRY MARATON, as well as the audiovisual, photographic and journalistic exploitation of the competition. Any media or advertising project must have the prior express written consent of the organization. Otherwise, any legal action deemed appropriate will be taken.
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, we inform participants that their personal data will become part of a file called “Participants in Sports Events”, owned by the entity TerraIncognita Global SL for the purpose of managing the organization, execution and dissemination of sporting events, the publication of the classifications, as well as the security of its participants. The recipients of this data are the entity itself. The participant is responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data provided and has the right to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their data in the scope recognized by Organic Law 15/99 of December 13. To exercise them, they must write to TerraIncognita Global SL at the address